Maritime exercises for not running aground

By Diego Alonso

«The bay is a great metaphor for the feeling of a country. It’s the voice of a generation that takes possession of other linguistic codes to show its vulnerability. It’s the opportunity to introduce a discussion from the ubiquity of an eternal theme (love), in another eternal theme (Homeland)».

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The Bay Artistic Laboratory

By Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas

«The archive of this process is paradoxical. Each archive is an empty room and, simultaneously, a full room. The uncertainty of completing it and the dilemma of knowing how to deal with its contents bring The Bay… closer to a programmatic disarticulation of what has been created. The challenge lies in that there is nothing left to create—the city speaks as an archive, the city contorts».

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What is happening at the Cienfuegos Nuclear Power Plant?

By Brian Ramírez Val

«The documentary by Alessandra Santiesteban and Ricardo Sarmiento talks about an alleged future use of the abandoned facilities as a hazardous waste dumpster».

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The Bay (So that Bad Bunny learns about nuclear energy or 'Welcome to Socialist Cuba

By Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas

«In a confusing and accelerated moment, with much discussion regarding theater and performative practices, the artist’s gesture is to urgently create a citizen reflection on how we approach politics. In The Bay, we were thinking how to perform a nuclear action, fostering a profound exchange without being driven by the ‘outcome’, and without showcasing the people living in Juraguá. The decision to maintain an unspectacularized relationship with the community and avoid excessively solitary spaces defines the artist’s approach». 

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The bay: picnic at the circular ruins

By Antonio Enrique González Rojas 

«Santiesteban and Sarmiento are the protagonists of a real investigation, with a singular detective and conspiratorial air. They want to steal secrets from an area still closed to the public, fenced, guarded, amputated from everyday life». 

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Who is afraid of Cuban cinema?

By Antonio Enrique González Rojas

«The directors approach the monstrosity that remains as ambiguous as Schrödinger’s cat. It is a half-finished ruin. It remains in a state of latency, like a fetus cryogenized in the fresh air…».

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