One Nuclear Action is a space for arts, science, activism, and life.
It serves as a platform for hybrid projects that are presented through textual, audiovisual, scenic, and performative archives, and are connected to social participation processes related to collective knowledge and education.
The main objective is to share and explore the potential of these projects, which are conducted in Cuba and other contexts, and to consider how they can resonate and expand to different settings. Additionally, it aims to value diverse methods of documenting work and research processes.
This website offers fragments of panoramic experiences built over several years and those yet to come. The stories told here encompass events from the past, stories that did not unfold but still impact the present, and stories that are yet to occur. It delves into the city and the landscape as a part of a living, ever-changing territory filled with profound meanings.
The interrelation of human communities, plants, animals, and those entities beyond our sight, which also demand our attention and care, are central themes. The infinite array of objects, bodies, and sounds, along with natural phenomena like light, rain, sea, and wind, create numerous intersections. This space appreciates everything that could be on the verge of disappearing and emerging anew.
Welcome to the action…
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life
Arts science activism life

The river is always my home…