«The research on Juraguá and the Central Electronuclear Plant (CEN) went through Alessandra Santiesteban’s life for two years. How to find a presentation format? How to «produce» the work? Who would want to say something about this sensitive experience? Who to write for? Why direct this story? Why? How? From these questions, the research would lead to multiple traces: a film, a site specific, a book and a performance.

The story with the CEN, the story of Alessandra with the neighbors of Juraguá (Cienfuegos, Cuba). As well as all the questions and all the loneliness of the world by way of «diary», «cell phone notes», «emails», «text messages»… were the first motivations to think of a book by ediciones sinsentido.

The processual condition of the research and the auto-thematic approach to a space of great iconicity give sense to a book that is the memories of a research process. A process that is dedicated to a very particular geographical context and whose pulsation is ordered by the very personal vision of the context and its problems.

There is a strong tendency to metaphorize Cuba through the CEN in the cultural and artistic imaginary. The historical relationship with the USSR and the impoverishment of a way of life describe the desperation of an island crossed by the construction of monuments that will later be abandoned or destroyed or inhabited by disillusionment».

Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas

The bay was presented on September 26, 2018 at the Ludwig Foundation of Cuba.
It was published by Ediciones Sinsentido (independent publishing).

Photographs by «Badué. Jiguaní. The best in family portraits».
Illustrations: Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas.
Design, editing and composition: Martha Luisa Hernández Cadenas.

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Conversations about The Bay process


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